
New York Thoracic Spinal Fracture Injury

Thirty-three bones (vertebrae) and jelly-like cushions (intervertebral disc) compose the spinal column. The spinal column bears half of the thoracic (upper body) mass. If the stability and strength of the thoracic spine are exceeded, through the combined rotational, distraction and compression forces, a thoracic spinal fracture occurs. The predominant force colliding with the spinal column establishes the type of thoracic spinal fracture. Thoracic spinal fracture may or may not elicit spinal cord damage. The team of New York Spinal Injury Attorneys at Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC has discovered each year approximately 150,000 Americans endure a spinal fracture, with 15,000 eliciting spinal cord trauma.

Thoracic spinal fracture typically results from a car accident, penetrating trauma, industrial construction, motorcycle accident or sports injury. Oftentimes the accident results from another person’s negligence. The New York Thoracic Spinal Fracture Injury Lawyer group at Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC has learned approximately half of all thoracic spinal fracture incidents, as in compression fracture or burst fracture, occur as a result of a motor vehicle accident which include car accident, motorcycle accident, SUV accident and truck accident.

Numerous symptoms appear from a thoracic spinal fracture. Our New York Thoracic Spinal Fracture Attorney team concludes the most common is severe pain, and may include:

  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Neurologic dysfunction
  • Numbness
  • Kyphosis
  • Paraplegia

The severity and location of the thoracic spinal fracture may be assessed by physical examination, X-ray, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI scans) and Computerized Tomography (CT scans). Neurological examination may uncover spinal cord injury. Treatment of thoracic spinal fracture may require simple pain medications and bed rest, along with physical therapy and exercise. Oftentimes thoracic spinal fracture necessitates surgical intervention to drain excess fluid and tissue pressing against the spinal cord, spinal column stabilization, or to remove vertebral disc fragments. Oftentimes spinal cord injury accompanies thoracic spinal fracture, and surgery may be employed to reduce the symptoms. Long-term recovery depends on the severity and location of the spinal fracture. In accordance with the New York Injury Attorney group at Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC, post-surgical recovery calls for physical therapy, home exercises, occupational therapy and rehabilitation.