
New York Construction Accident

Even with extensive safety regulations, the construction industry is a very dangerous profession. Accidents occur regularly, resulting in serious injury. These accidents often occur because of a miscommunication between co-workers, faulty equipment and poor safety training. Injuries sustained in these accidents can be serious and at times life threatening, including a spinal cord injury. A spinal cord injury is an injury that cuts, bruises or causes any type of trauma to the bones or nerves that are part of the spinal cord. If you or a family member suffered a spinal cord injury in a construction accident, car accident, truck accident or SUV accident due to the negligence of another person, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries through a personal injury claim. Contact an experienced New York construction accident spinal injury lawyer at Stephen Bilkis & Associates who will who will work hard to ensure that you receive the compensation to which you are entitled for the injuries you suffered.

Common Causes for Construction Site Accidents

While there are many reasons that accidents occur at construction sites, common types of construction site accidents include scaffolding accidents, slip and fall accidents, crane accidents, falling debris, trench collapse, and fire and explosions. A spinal injury from any of these types of accidents can be severe and can result in permanent disability, preventing the victim from ever being able to return to employment. The law requires that employers in New York make sure that workers use proper safety equipment and are protected from falls and falling objects. Employers who fail to follow state and federal safety rules and as a result you are injured, may be legally liable to you. Contact an experienced New York construction accident spinal lawyer to discuss what happened to you.

Pursuing Compensation for a Construction Accident Spinal Injury

Victims who suffer serious injuries face significant medical expenses including fees associated with emergency room treatment, the hospital stay, treatment by doctors, physical therapy, assistive equipment, and medication. To make matters worse, while you are recovering you will not be able to work and earn an income to pay for your medical expenses and support your family.

Fortunately, if your injury was caused by negligence, under New York law you have the right to pursue compensation through a personal injury claim. As an experienced construction accident spinal injury attorney in New York can explain, you may be able to recover both past and future medical expenses including hospital bills, expenses for surgery, rehabilitation fees, and fees for prescription medication. You may also be able to recover the cost of assistive equipment such as a wheelchair as well as modifications to your home to make it accessible. Furthermore, you may be able to recover both lost wages, loss of future earning capacity and pain and suffering.

If the accident that resulted in your injury was work-related, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Note that worker’s compensation benefits are limited. However, just because the accident occurred at work does not necessarily mean that you are limited to the benefits available through workers’ compensation.

Contact Stephen Bilkis & Associates

If you have suffered an injury that is construction-related, contact our legal team. These cases are complex and it is essential to have legal guidance to obtain the compensation you deserve. You may be able to collect compensation over and above the workers’ compensation award. It is important you speak with an experienced construction accident spinal attorney serving New York who understands both the legal issues associated with personal injury cases as well as the medical issues associated with serious spinal injuries. Contact Stephen Bilkis & Associates at 800.696.9529 to schedule a free, no obligation consultation regarding your case. We represent injured victims and their families in the following locations: New York City, Westchester County, Suffolk County, Staten Island, Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Nassau County, and Queens.